Applying Scrum for non-IT none techincal teams

Although Scrum had been in existence long before 2001, Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber were the two individuals who pioneered and championed the adoption of Scrum in software development. This article will explain the Scrum framework in the context of non-IT software teams and as such it aims at a non-technical audience. I often get asked: ‘Femi, what exactly is…

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Suggested reading for Agile marketing teams

Recently I was asked to recommend my ‘best books’ for marketing teams looking to adopt agile ways of working. As you are probably already aware, there are different agile frameworks that can be applied to marketing, either standalone or as a mix. Some teams simply apply Scrum or Kanban in their pure form, while others apply Scrumban – a mix…

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What is Business Agility?

What is Business Agility? Depending on who you ask, you will probably get different definitions of business agility based on their own perspective of what agility means. The common themes around the definition of business agility centre mostly around the speed at which organizations adapt and respond to changes within the business environment. In the context of Agile specifically, the…

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5 Challenges Of Applying Scrum in Marketing Teams

The first part of this article will sound geeky because it provides an overview of Scrum in software development. In the following section we then discuss Scrum in the context of marketing and the agile marketing case study we present will not be the usual type of sweet story everyone shares, but will focus on the issues marketing teams will…

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How to create agile marketing teams

Agile started in the software industry, when a group of thought leaders combined their vision and experience to create the Agile Manifesto. This group of individuals created 4 values with the objective of improving the software development process. From a marketing perspective, the agile manifesto was first interpreted to align with marketing teams in 2012 and the content is available…

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